Nathalie Decoster 娜塔莉・德科斯泰

Nathalie Decoster has lived and worked in Paris since 1985. After having started out in decorative art studios, she perfected her technique with an experienced sculptor. It has advanced her skills that then allowed her to develop her own creations and new materials.As a well-known French sculptor, her works have been showcased in many cities all over the world, such as New York, London, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Macau.
She creates her sculptures, peopled with bronze figures, which tell universal philosophical or humorous tales.places human figures in the context of huge geometric shapes, using materials such as bronze, concrete and even mattress springs in her works. Her sculptures are whimsical at the same time embodying the essence of timelessness, universality, and humanity.


She has long worked essentially with steel, bronze and also aluminum, stainless steel, and concrete, completing her work on transparency with pieces in which spaces cut through substantial volumes. Recently, she has also introduced the primary red (a symbol of life) into her art language.


She uses a vocabulary which is recognizably her own. She sets her very ‘Art Brut’ figure (her messenger) in minimalist geometric form to convey philosophical messages of the human condition. With a dash of humor, viewers are drawn to be conscious of the absurdities in the modern human lives, allowing us to identify ourselves, and giving us the secret to serenity.